Journal Scope
The journal focuses on publishing original scientific and professional articles, not previously published in journals. The journal is focused on a wide range of aspects of computer systems. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Digital signal processing
- Communication and control systems and networks
- Hardware and software solutions
- Innovative eHealth, Applications and Products
- Electronic Health Records and Medical Databases
- Medical Image Analysis and Biomedical Visualization
- Computer-Aided Diagnosis
- Telemedicine, Telehealth and Remote Monitoring
- Reliability analysis and risk estimation
- Testing and fault-tolerant systems
- Accident and incident investigation
- Human factor
- Risk and hazard analysis
- Software reliability
- Computational Intelligence
- Data mining and Knowledge discovery
- Education, e-learning
- Mathematical modelling of engineering and environmental processes
- Information Technologies in application areas
About CERes journal
An international peer-reviewed scientific journal published since 2015 with support of the project Centers of Excellence for young RESearchers (CERES) - 544137-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-SK-TEMPUS-JPHS. The journal is platform for publications presentation of result in work of students, PhD students and young researchers.