Central European Researchers Journal

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Cover image Reliability Engineering & System Safety

CERes Journal, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2016

Volume: 2, Issue: 1, June 2016
Publisher: Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Zilina
ISSN: 2453-7314

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  1. Front Cover/ Editorial Board/ Table of Contents

  2. Modelling Dental X-ray Examinations for Assessment of Radiation Doses to Patients

    Kristina O. Makarevich, Victor F. Minenko, Semen A. Kutsen

  3. Importance of Cyclicality in the Processes of Economic System Development

    Katerina O. Udachina, Liliya M. Bandorina

  4. Porter advanced method for the Universal Decimal Classification

    Fiodor Tretyakov, Liya Serebryanaya

  5. Deep Learning Concept for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification

    Sergey A. Stankevich, Iryna A. Piestova, Victor N. Podorvan