Archive of journal CERes Journal, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2015 Volume: 1, Issue: 1, September 2015 Publisher: Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Zilina ISSN: 2453-7314 Download: PDF (Issue in one file) Statistic: 23888 - download count Front Cover/ Editorial Board/ Table of Contents Pages i1-i3 PDF Downloaded: 1241 A Resource-based Approach and Methods of Multiply Effects in Computer World Julia Drozd, Alex Drozd Pages 1-6 PDF Downloaded: 863 A Self-Checking Logic Sell Sergey Tyurin and Alex Gorodilov Pages 7-11 PDF Downloaded: 1066 Quality in use expert assessment system for critical software Anastasia Orekhova, Anna Tilinska, T. Albo Baqer Karrar Pages 12-23 PDF Downloaded: 1762 Handwriting recognition method in real-time mode based on distributed neural networks Yuri Vetroff, Dmitry Adzinets Pages 24-28 PDF Downloaded: 1004 Technical vision system designed to analyze the quality of seeds Svetlana Ostroukhova, Mikhail Tatur Pages 29-32 PDF Downloaded: 807 Approach of writing NPE-safe code in java applications Vladislav Matelsky, Natalia Lapitskaya Pages 33-38 PDF Downloaded: 1894 Automating the creation of OLAP-cubes on the base of MS SQL AS for optimization of the infrastructure of Informational analytical system of the region Dzmitry Karzhounik, Natalia Lapitskaya Pages 39-42 PDF Downloaded: 1969 Researching of Thermophysical Processes in Acheson Furnace to Develop Automatic Process Control System Ihor Derevyanko, Oleksandr Zhadanos Pages 43-49 PDF Downloaded: 1511 Modelling of the Tendering Process Tetiana Kolpakova Pages 50-54 PDF Downloaded: 1307 Complex eco-biological system modeling Timofey Burak, Marina Lukashevich Pages 55-61 PDF Downloaded: 1098 Using appearance for improving facial expression recognition Andrei Zhabinski, Dzmitry Adzinets Pages 62-68 PDF Downloaded: 1257 Automatical Universal Decimal Classification based on frequency advanced method Fiodor Tretyakov, Liya Serebryanaya Pages 69-74 PDF Downloaded: 1333 The RPE - security analytical tool Lucia Prochazkova, Martin Hromada Pages 75-81 PDF Downloaded: 832 Method of hyperspectral satellite image classification under contaminated training samples based on Dempster-Shafer’s paradigm Mikhail Popov, Sofiya Alpert, Victor Podorvan, Maksym Topolnytskyi, Serhii Mieshkov Pages 82-93 PDF Downloaded: 1093 Metamodel describing relational database schema Matus Chochlik, Jozef Kostolny, Penka Martincova Pages 94-102 PDF Downloaded: 2373
CERes Journal, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2015
Volume: 1, Issue: 1, September 2015 Publisher: Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Zilina ISSN: 2453-7314Download:
PDF (Issue in one file)
Statistic: 23888 - download countFront Cover/ Editorial Board/ Table of Contents
A Resource-based Approach and Methods of Multiply Effects in Computer World
Julia Drozd, Alex DrozdA Self-Checking Logic Sell
Sergey Tyurin and Alex GorodilovQuality in use expert assessment system for critical software
Anastasia Orekhova, Anna Tilinska, T. Albo Baqer KarrarHandwriting recognition method in real-time mode based on distributed neural networks
Yuri Vetroff, Dmitry AdzinetsTechnical vision system designed to analyze the quality of seeds
Svetlana Ostroukhova, Mikhail TaturApproach of writing NPE-safe code in java applications
Vladislav Matelsky, Natalia LapitskayaAutomating the creation of OLAP-cubes on the base of MS SQL AS for optimization of the infrastructure of Informational analytical system of the region
Dzmitry Karzhounik, Natalia LapitskayaResearching of Thermophysical Processes in Acheson Furnace to Develop Automatic Process Control System
Ihor Derevyanko, Oleksandr ZhadanosModelling of the Tendering Process
Tetiana KolpakovaComplex eco-biological system modeling
Timofey Burak, Marina LukashevichUsing appearance for improving facial expression recognition
Andrei Zhabinski, Dzmitry AdzinetsAutomatical Universal Decimal Classification based on frequency advanced method
Fiodor Tretyakov, Liya SerebryanayaThe RPE - security analytical tool
Lucia Prochazkova, Martin HromadaMethod of hyperspectral satellite image classification under contaminated training samples based on Dempster-Shafer’s paradigm
Mikhail Popov, Sofiya Alpert, Victor Podorvan, Maksym Topolnytskyi, Serhii MieshkovMetamodel describing relational database schema
Matus Chochlik, Jozef Kostolny, Penka Martincova