Central European Researchers Journal

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Cover image Reliability Engineering & System Safety

CERes Journal, Volume 4, Issue 1, 2018

Volume: 4, Issue: 1, July 2018
Publisher: Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Zilina
ISSN: 2453-7314

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  1. Front Cover/ Editorial Board/ Table of Contents

  2. Determining the Influence of the External Factors on the Firmware Response Time

    Dmytro V. Fedasyuk, Vasyl I. Gavrysh, Tetyana A. Marusenkova, Ratybor S. Chopey

  3. Reflections on Marketing Strategy and Digital Marketing Infrastructure along the Belt and Road Project

    Anastasia Yurkovskaya, Irina Prishchepa, Semen Losmakov, Uladzimir Parkhimenka

  4. Software Complex of Automation Examination of Seed

    Anna Zhvakina, Mikhail Tatur, Svetlana Ostrouhova

  5. Satellite Imagery Resolution Enhancement for Urban Area Thermal Micromapping

    Iryna Piestova, Mykola Lubskyi, Mykhailo Svideniuk, Stanislav Golubov, Peter Sedlacek

  6. Identification of Medical Three-Dimensional Objects

    Tomáš Hlavatý, Lucia Fedoriková

  7. Graphic Tool for Learning and Application of Decision Diagrams in Reliability Analysis

    Lukáš Čajka, Martin Belvončík

  8. Development of the iKariera work portal

    Filip Boros, Olga Chovancova