Archive of journal CERes Journal, Volume 2, Issue 2, 2016 Volume: 2, Issue: 2, December 2016 Publisher: Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Zilina ISSN: 2453-7314 Download: PDF (Issue in one file) Statistic: 14683 - download count Front Cover/ Editorial Board/ Table of Contents Pages i1-i3 PDF Downloaded: 932 The Algorithm of Automated Development of Fault Trees for Safety Exploitation Assessment of Complex Technical Systems L. Ozirkovskyy, A. Mashchak, O. Shkiliuk, S. Volochiy Pages 1-10 PDF Downloaded: 828 Parser of Input Data in Reliability Analysis based on Logical Differential Calculus Patrik Rusnak Pages 11-16 PDF Downloaded: 961 A Technique for Outlier Detection Based on Heuristic Possibilistic Clustering Dmitri A. Viattchenin Pages 17-24 PDF Downloaded: 1229 Approaches to the Integration of the System of Education of Belarus into the World Educational Space U.A. Beizerau Pages 25-34 PDF Downloaded: 1112 Application of GIS-Technologies in Ecological Education A.S. Sokolov, O.V. Kovaleva Pages 35-41 PDF Downloaded: 882 Models and Methods of Evaluation of Information Sufficiency for Determining the Software Complexity and Quality Based on the Metric Analysis Results Tetiana O. Hovorushchenko Pages 42-53 PDF Downloaded: 906 Classification by Ordered Fuzzy Decision Tree Jan Rabcan, Makpal Zhartybayeva Pages 54-60 PDF Downloaded: 1413 Application of Markov Modeling for Safety Assessment of Self-Diagnostic Programmable Instrumentations and Control Systems Valentyna Butenko, Oleg Odarushchenko, Vyacheslav Kharchenko, Viktoriya Moskalets, Elena Odarushchenko, Oleksii Strjuk Pages 61-69 PDF Downloaded: 1667 FRIMAN Erik Parso, Dominik Suroviak, Jaroslav Ondrejak, Marek Dragula, Matej Jesensky, Patrik Sensel, Peter Sedlacek, Monika Vaclavkova Pages 70-75 PDF Downloaded: 852 Effect of Boiling and Microwave Cooking on some Antioxidant Compounds in Highly Consumed Vegetables in Egypt Neveen F. Agamy Pages 76-84 PDF Downloaded: 1606
CERes Journal, Volume 2, Issue 2, 2016
Volume: 2, Issue: 2, December 2016 Publisher: Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Zilina ISSN: 2453-7314Download:
PDF (Issue in one file)
Statistic: 14683 - download countFront Cover/ Editorial Board/ Table of Contents
The Algorithm of Automated Development of Fault Trees for Safety Exploitation Assessment of Complex Technical Systems
L. Ozirkovskyy, A. Mashchak, O. Shkiliuk, S. VolochiyParser of Input Data in Reliability Analysis based on Logical Differential Calculus
Patrik RusnakA Technique for Outlier Detection Based on Heuristic Possibilistic Clustering
Dmitri A. ViattcheninApproaches to the Integration of the System of Education of Belarus into the World Educational Space
U.A. BeizerauApplication of GIS-Technologies in Ecological Education
A.S. Sokolov, O.V. KovalevaModels and Methods of Evaluation of Information Sufficiency for Determining the Software Complexity and Quality Based on the Metric Analysis Results
Tetiana O. HovorushchenkoClassification by Ordered Fuzzy Decision Tree
Jan Rabcan, Makpal ZhartybayevaApplication of Markov Modeling for Safety Assessment of Self-Diagnostic Programmable Instrumentations and Control Systems
Valentyna Butenko, Oleg Odarushchenko, Vyacheslav Kharchenko, Viktoriya Moskalets, Elena Odarushchenko, Oleksii StrjukFRIMAN
Erik Parso, Dominik Suroviak, Jaroslav Ondrejak, Marek Dragula, Matej Jesensky, Patrik Sensel, Peter Sedlacek, Monika VaclavkovaEffect of Boiling and Microwave Cooking on some Antioxidant Compounds in Highly Consumed Vegetables in Egypt
Neveen F. Agamy