Central European Researchers Journal

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Cover image Reliability Engineering & System Safety

CERes Journal, Volume 10, Issue 2, 2024

Volume: 10, Issue: 2, December 2024
Publisher: Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Zilina
ISSN: 2453-7314

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  1. Support for Teaching the Subject Digital Computers

    Ondrej Karpiš, Tomáš Bača, Ján Šumský, Michal Kubaščík

  2. Measuring Kinetic Energy from Tree Movements Induced by Wind

    Tomáš Bača, Ján Šumský, Michal Kubaščík, Peter Šarafín

  3. Universal System for Indoor Location

    Richard Boťanský, Michal Hodoň, Lukáš Čechovič, Peter Ševčík

  4. Wireless Voting System

    Adrián Hložný, Michal Hodoň, Lukáš Formanek

  5. Measurement of Muscle Signals and their Processing Using AI

    Martin Uhrina, Michal Kubaščík, Ján Kapitulík

  6. System for Quality of Traffic Infrastructure Measurements

    Miloslav Slodičák, Michal Hodoň, Juraj Miček, Peter Ševčík

  7. Sustainability of the 3D Printing Laboratory Operation on Faculty of Management Science and Informatics University of Žilina

    Lukáš Čechovič, Marek Tebeľák, Michal Kubaščík, Juraj Miček

  8. Design and Implementation of a Light Information Panel for Safety Car

    Tomáš Bača, Marek Tebeľák, Michal Kubaščík, Juraj Miček

  9. The Effect of High-Pressure Cooling Systems in FDM 3D Printers on VOC and PM Emissions

    Lukáš Čechovič, Andrej Tupý, Marek Tebeľák, Juraj Miček

  10. Automatic Coin Sorting Machine

    Ivan Stankovský, Michal Hodoň, Peter Ševčík

  11. Intelligent Mailbox

    Patrik Ivan, Michal Hodoň, Peter Ševčík

  12. Optimizing Web Application Development: Comparing Frameworks, Architectures, and Components

    Boris Brnkaľák, Ján Janech, Patrik Hrkút

  13. Real-Time Communication in Modern Web Applications: Techniques and Comparisons

    Peter Bobka, Ján Janech, Patrik Hrkút