Central European Researchers Journal

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Cover image Reliability Engineering & System Safety

CERes Journal, Volume 4, Issue 2, 2018

Volume: 4, Issue: 2, December 2018
Publisher: Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Zilina
ISSN: 2453-7314

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  1. Front Cover/ Editorial Board/ Table of Contents

  2. Tool for reliability analysis of reversible logic circuits

    Peter Sedlacek

  3. Methods of Human Reliability Analysis

    Andrej Forgac

  4. Remote sensing satellite virtual constellation optimizing with target recognition probability

    Oleg Maslenko, Alexsandr Kondratov

  5. Reliability Prediction of Electronic Devices, Considering the Gradual Failures

    Sergei Borovikov, Evgeni Shneiderov

  6. Comparison of Software for Medical Segmentation

    Zuzana Kresanova, Jozef Kostolny