Archive of journal CERes Journal, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2020 Volume: 6, Issue: 1, July 2020 Publisher: Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Zilina ISSN: 2453-7314 Download: PDF (Issue in one file) available soon Statistic: 12559 - download count Front Cover/ Editorial Board/ Table of Contents Pages i1-i3 PDF Downloaded: 0 Small-Size Target’s Automatic Detection in Multispectral Image using Equivalence Principle Sergey A. Stankevich, Maksim I. Gerda Pages 1-9 PDF Downloaded: 518 Sales Forecasting of Goods in Shoe Retail Ivan Kaipov, Alexander Nedzved Pages 10-17 PDF Downloaded: 1802 Spam Identification on Facebook, Twitter and Email using Machine Learning Koushik Chowdhury Pages 18-26 PDF Downloaded: 885 The Methods of Obtaining and Elaborating Classified Data in Intellectual Measurement Systems Roman Semeniuk, Nina Yaremchuk Pages 27-36 PDF Downloaded: 407 SCADA-System Multiservice for Automated Configuring Telemechanic Means Oleksandr Kulchytskyi, Tamara Loktikova, Andrii Morozov, Nataliia Krushynska Pages 37-48 PDF Downloaded: 2975 Intelligent Urban Traffic Anastacia Pidgurska, Peter Nikolyuk Pages 49-61 PDF Downloaded: 855 Usage of Modern Information Technologies of Solving the Optimal Allocation Problem Investments in the Enterprise Anna Ignatenko, Leonid Scherbak Pages 62-71 PDF Downloaded: 407 Hardware-Software Complex to Restore Finger Movement Coordination and Color Perception Mykola Hnezdilov, Volodymyr Polianichkin, Vlavyslav Shurbin, Iryna Zhuravska, Yevhen Davydenko Adaptive Mobile Application for the Cats Learning System - Ilya Lehchylin, Yuliya Papova Pages 72-83 PDF Downloaded: 431 Adaptive Mobile Application for the Cats Learning System Ilya Lehchylin, Yuliya Papova Pages 84-96 PDF Downloaded: 429 Measuring System to Monitor Deformation of Large Size Structure Members Maksym Zakharchenko, Andrii Levterov Pages 97-104 PDF Downloaded: 396 Research on the Possibility of the Bee Colony Algorithm for Determining the Topology of the Wireless Network at the Marshalling Yard Diana Nazarova, Victoria Pakhomova Pages 105-117 PDF Downloaded: 543 Remote Temperature and Humidity Measurement System Veronika Maraieva, Oleksandr Mykheliev, Sergii Bozhatkin, Igor Horovyi Pages 118-127 PDF Downloaded: 425 Method and Model for a Highly Realistic Rendering of a Three-Dimensional Image Mykola Nechyporuk, Olexander Romanyuk Pages 128-141 PDF Downloaded: 477 The Pseudo LRU Hardware Complexity Decreasing for Associative Cache Memory and Translation Look-a-Side Buffer Vadim Puidenko, Vyacheslav Kharchenko Pages 142-153 PDF Downloaded: 2009
CERes Journal, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2020
Volume: 6, Issue: 1, July 2020 Publisher: Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Zilina ISSN: 2453-7314Download:
PDF (Issue in one file) available soon
Statistic: 12559 - download countFront Cover/ Editorial Board/ Table of Contents
Small-Size Target’s Automatic Detection in Multispectral Image using Equivalence Principle
Sergey A. Stankevich, Maksim I. GerdaSales Forecasting of Goods in Shoe Retail
Ivan Kaipov, Alexander NedzvedSpam Identification on Facebook, Twitter and Email using Machine Learning
Koushik ChowdhuryThe Methods of Obtaining and Elaborating Classified Data in Intellectual Measurement Systems
Roman Semeniuk, Nina YaremchukSCADA-System Multiservice for Automated Configuring Telemechanic Means
Oleksandr Kulchytskyi, Tamara Loktikova, Andrii Morozov, Nataliia KrushynskaIntelligent Urban Traffic
Anastacia Pidgurska, Peter NikolyukUsage of Modern Information Technologies of Solving the Optimal Allocation Problem Investments in the Enterprise
Anna Ignatenko, Leonid ScherbakHardware-Software Complex to Restore Finger Movement Coordination and Color Perception
Mykola Hnezdilov, Volodymyr Polianichkin, Vlavyslav Shurbin, Iryna Zhuravska, Yevhen Davydenko Adaptive Mobile Application for the Cats Learning System - Ilya Lehchylin, Yuliya PapovaAdaptive Mobile Application for the Cats Learning System
Ilya Lehchylin, Yuliya PapovaMeasuring System to Monitor Deformation of Large Size Structure Members
Maksym Zakharchenko, Andrii LevterovResearch on the Possibility of the Bee Colony Algorithm for Determining the Topology of the Wireless Network at the Marshalling Yard
Diana Nazarova, Victoria PakhomovaRemote Temperature and Humidity Measurement System
Veronika Maraieva, Oleksandr Mykheliev, Sergii Bozhatkin, Igor HorovyiMethod and Model for a Highly Realistic Rendering of a Three-Dimensional Image
Mykola Nechyporuk, Olexander RomanyukThe Pseudo LRU Hardware Complexity Decreasing for Associative Cache Memory and Translation Look-a-Side Buffer
Vadim Puidenko, Vyacheslav Kharchenko