Central European Researchers Journal

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Cover image Reliability Engineering & System Safety

CERes Journal, Volume 7, Issue 1, 2021

Volume: 7, Issue: 1, August 2021
Publisher: Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Zilina
ISSN: 2453-7314

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  1. Front Cover/ Editorial Board/ Table of Contents

  2. Personal Data Protection and Patient Rights in E-Health: legal issues

    Maria S. Ablameyko, Nadzeya S. Shakel

  3. Application of the Pareto Principle for the Classification of Educational Programs under COVID-19

    L. Kurmasheva, V. Kulikova, V. Levashenko

  4. Research of Traffic Characteristics in Multiservice Networks

    Dmytro Bondar, Bohdan Levytskyi, Nina Kniazieva

  5. Research of Online IDE and Analysis of Directions of Development

    S. Bartkova, A. Antonova

  6. Lighting System Control for Everyday and Therapeutic Purposes

    Viktor Mashkov, Yulka Petkova

  7. Measuring System to Monitor Strain of Bridge, Overpass Components and Bridge Clearance

    Levterov Andrii, Okushko Oleksandr

  8. Information Technology of the Diagnostics of Neuro-Physiological States of Personality based on the Eye-Tracking Data

    Valeriy Makarov, Dmitro Broska, Volodymyr Chorniy, Vitaliy Pavlenko

  9. FRIML - Music Generation using Machine Learning

    Wiktor Kania, Ewa Kłapcińska, Mateusz Groblewski, Piotr Duch, Tomasz Jaworski