Central European Researchers Journal

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Cover image Reliability Engineering & System Safety

CERes Journal, Volume 6, Issue 2, 2020

Volume: 6, Issue: 2, December 2020
Publisher: Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Zilina
ISSN: 2453-7314

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  1. Front Cover/ Editorial Board/ Table of Contents

  2. Sensitivity analysis of MVL Systems by the Logic Derivatives of MVL Functions

    Peter Sedlacek, Maryam Ospanova, Marina Yelis

  3. Radar Data Product Superresolution under Parameter Variation

    Sergey A. Stankevich, Iryna O. Piestova, Artur R. Lysenko

  4. OLAP Technology in the Enterprise Information Structure

    A. Gumarova, G. Kamalova

  5. Development of Control Technology for an interactive Robot Meccanoid

    Asylgali Iliyas Talgatuly, Nass Oksana Viktorovna

  6. Hybrid approach to classification of remote sensing data

    Artem A. Andreiev