Archive of journal CERes Journal, Volume 5, Issue 2, 2019 Volume: 5, Issue: 2, December 2019 Publisher: Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Zilina ISSN: 2453-7314 Download: PDF (Issue in one file) Statistic: 5741 - download count Front Cover/ Editorial Board/ Table of Contents Pages i1-i3 PDF Downloaded: 353 Improving the Accuracy of GPS Tracking Multiple Drones based on MCMC Particle Filter Negm Eldin Mohamed Shawky Pages 1-13 PDF Downloaded: 481 An Automatic Remote Heart Monitoring Based on Arduino Roberto Franchini Pages 14-21 PDF Downloaded: 787 Smart Shopping Cart System K.L.A.N.B. Senevirathne, W.M.I.G.D.N.B. Warnasooriya, P.K.H.D. Sandeepani, N. Vithana Pages 22-30 PDF Downloaded: 1120 Application of MATLAB in Practical Teaching of Post-Quantum Cryptography Aleksei Vambol Pages 31-39 PDF Downloaded: 979 Design of an Android Application using a Tool for Decision-making Support Jan Bohacik Pages 40-49 PDF Downloaded: 299 Special Discussion Section and Exhibition (Industrial Centre) in frame of the International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies Elena Zaitseva, Radim Bris, Jaroslav Majernik, Krzysztof Pancerz, Zdenek Vintr, Marianna Zichar Pages 50-53 PDF Downloaded: 456 Concept of Interdisciplinary R esearch in Biomedical Informatics and its Transformation into a New Study Program Denisa Macekova, Miroslav Kvassay, Elena Zaitseva Pages 54-57 PDF Downloaded: 423 Adequacy Adequacy Increase of Assessment of Minimal Cut Sets Considering Latent Failures Leonid Ozirkovskyy, Bohdan Volochiy, Andriy Mashchak, Ihor Kulyk Pages 58-66 PDF Downloaded: 429 Enumeration of Minimal Cut Vectors for Performing Reliability Analysis Based on Multi-Valued Decision Diagrams Miroslav Kvassay, Jozef Kostolny Pages 67-82 PDF Downloaded: 414
CERes Journal, Volume 5, Issue 2, 2019
Volume: 5, Issue: 2, December 2019 Publisher: Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Zilina ISSN: 2453-7314Download:
PDF (Issue in one file)
Statistic: 5741 - download countFront Cover/ Editorial Board/ Table of Contents
Improving the Accuracy of GPS Tracking Multiple Drones based on MCMC Particle Filter
Negm Eldin Mohamed ShawkyAn Automatic Remote Heart Monitoring Based on Arduino
Roberto FranchiniSmart Shopping Cart System
K.L.A.N.B. Senevirathne, W.M.I.G.D.N.B. Warnasooriya, P.K.H.D. Sandeepani, N. VithanaApplication of MATLAB in Practical Teaching of Post-Quantum Cryptography
Aleksei VambolDesign of an Android Application using a Tool for Decision-making Support
Jan BohacikSpecial Discussion Section and Exhibition (Industrial Centre) in frame of the International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies
Elena Zaitseva, Radim Bris, Jaroslav Majernik, Krzysztof Pancerz, Zdenek Vintr, Marianna ZicharConcept of Interdisciplinary R esearch in Biomedical Informatics and its Transformation into a New Study Program
Denisa Macekova, Miroslav Kvassay, Elena ZaitsevaAdequacy Adequacy Increase of Assessment of Minimal Cut Sets Considering Latent Failures
Leonid Ozirkovskyy, Bohdan Volochiy, Andriy Mashchak, Ihor KulykEnumeration of Minimal Cut Vectors for Performing Reliability Analysis Based on Multi-Valued Decision Diagrams
Miroslav Kvassay, Jozef Kostolny